Monday, May 16, 2011

Spoilers! And lots of 'em.

There are a lot of spoilers today...

Here, I think, we have some more spoilers for the Kung Fu Panda promotion, and then on the right, I'd guess those are for some new Windows on the World clothes.  I'm thinking France, because of the little flag attached to the heart.

These are really pretty clothes!  I see some tennis stuff, some definite Windows on World-esque clothes, and some things that could be the new PPQ everyone's talking about!

More lovely clothes... Do I spy a Ke$ha trash-bag dress there?  But wait- there's more!

Phew! Well, I'm pretty sure that's the last of them for now.  They're all very nice!  I can't wait until they come out!  Oh, and by the way, there's a 25% off sale at Sunny Bunny!

Happy Stardolling,

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